The divorce rate, the number of divorces per marriages, continues to rise but the actual number of divorces each year is dropping steadily. Why is this? Because young people are not getting married.
Divorce Law
The Shady Ways People Hide Income and Assets in a Divorce
Hiding assets and income in a divorce is morally abhorrent and most important of all, is highly illegal.
The High Stakes of Adultery in the Military
Military members are held to a higher standard than civilians and can be prosecuted for having committed adultery.
The 401(K) Plan and Your Divorce
Couples who are going through divorce and simply don’t have the financial means to get professional assistance are reliant upon DIY divorce.
My Divorce is Final, Now What?
Whether your divorce was a high conflict or fairly co-operative experience, you will cross the finish line and look up at some point wondering what the next step is.
Property Settlements – When 50/50 is Not Equal
There were much better ways to structure this settlement that would have been more equitable.
Roth IRA in Divorce
What is a Thrift Savings Plan? If you have been working for the Federal government or the military for much of your career, you may already be very familiar.
Estate Planning is for Everyone, Not Just the Wealthy
There is a misconception that estate planning is only necessary for the wealthy, but the truth is estate planning is for nearly everyone.
Finding Hidden Assets
A woman who is considering divorce met with us recently. She has been a stay at home mom for 25 years and her husband has been the primary breadwinner. She also feels like he’s hiding money now that divorce is an option. This is where we have been asked to help.
Here to support and empower you!
We’re dedicated to providing divorce advice, co-parenting ideas, mediation strategies, and financial expertise for before, during and after divorce.
Free Strategy Session
Only 10 sessions available each month, schedule today!
- Explore the right solutions for your divorce.
- Review your financial situation and settlement possibilities.
- Map out a plan for transitioning to the next phase of your life.
- Identify your fears and decide the best way to address them.
- Connect you with any other resources you’ll need in your process.