There are glaring warning signs of a failing marriage that the experts can see, yet often surprise and blindside you when your spouse tells you they want a divorce.
Divorce blog
Divorce Overload – How To Cope
Getting divorced can be so emotionally overwhelming – here are three tips to help deal with the stress you may be feeling right now.
Divorce With A Heart
Divorce mediation promotes understanding and outcomes that work for everyone by removing limitations of overly restrictive laws.
10 Tips for Divorcing in Your 50’s
Divorce at any age is devastating, but after age 50, it can be particularly devastating financially.
Is January Really The Start Of Divorce Season?
In the legal world, January is “divorce month” with a 30% rise in divorce filings at the beginning of each year.
5 Tips On How To Deal With Holiday Stress
Deal with the stress and anxiety of a divorce by handling the emotional triggers that can only serve to make you feel worse.
Can Your Business Structure “Divorce Proof” Your Assets In Arizona?
Dividing assets can be a bone of contention when the proper protective measures aren’t taken, especially when a business is involved.
Child Custody Issues Only Same-Sex Couples Encounter
Same-sex couples can face a set of special issues in a divorce when it comes to child custody.
Surviving the Holidays During Divorce
The Holidays shine the spotlight on marital troubles. But since no one wants to plan a divorce during the holidays, you just have to make it through and then you can get serious about your next steps.
Here to support and empower you!
We’re dedicated to providing divorce advice, co-parenting ideas, mediation strategies, and financial expertise for before, during and after divorce.
Free Strategy Session
Only 10 sessions available each month, schedule today!
- Explore the right solutions for your divorce.
- Review your financial situation and settlement possibilities.
- Map out a plan for transitioning to the next phase of your life.
- Identify your fears and decide the best way to address them.
- Connect you with any other resources you’ll need in your process.