Summer Vacation as a Single Parent

Summer Vacation as a Single Parent

Every year my now ex and I would load up the RV and the kids and head to California to spend a week camping on the beach.  It was like clockwork, our routine, our tradition. The first summer after our divorce I felt an empty ache for that vacation tradition. The...

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How will I survive? Divorce advice for the single mom.

By Kelly Greene, Guest Blogger So you’re getting a divorce. I know what you’re thinking. You stayed home with the kids, you put your career on hold, you supported your spouse by tending to the home while he worked. And now this. You probably have very little...

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You want to take my kids for HOW LONG???

You want to take my kids for HOW LONG???

I remember that first Summer when my ex asked that he be able to take the kids out of state for the entire month of July. My first reaction was defensiveness. Who did he think he was?

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