Executive Compensation in your Divorce

Executive Compensation in your Divorce

Divorce really messes with your mind. I know because I remember. The once intelligent together woman that I am turned into an emotional, brain-fogged, unorganized basket case.

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Do I Need A Financial Coach?

Do I Need A Financial Coach?

Do you wonder how everyone else is managing to pull their financial lives together while you are still struggling? If this sounds familiar, a little financial coaching may be just what you need.

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How to Budget After Divorce

How to Budget After Divorce

When you take an honest look at your budget, you might be surprised at what you’ll find. Often, we do have enough, we just don’t plan it out very well.

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We’re dedicated to providing divorce advice, co-parenting ideas, mediation strategies, and financial expertise for before, during and after divorce.

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  • Explore the right solutions for your divorce.
  • Review your financial situation and settlement possibilities.
  • Map out a plan for transitioning to the next phase of your life.
  • Identify your fears and decide the best way to address them.
  • Connect you with any other resources you’ll need in your process.

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