A woman who is considering divorce met with us recently. She has been a stay at home mom for 25 years and her husband has been the primary breadwinner. She also feels like he’s hiding money now that divorce is an option. This is where we have been asked to help.
divorce settlement
The Importance of Updating Your Estate Planning Documents Following Divorce
Estate plans are unique to each individual or couple. Post-divorce, you should consider what you’d like changed to fit your specific situation. Once these important decisions are made, it’s time to get your estate planning documents updated.
Can a Reverse Mortgage Save My Divorce?
If you are over 62, and you have more than 50% equity in your home and especially if you are already retired, considering a reverse mortgage may make the choice to live separately possible.
The Downside of DIY Divorce Document Prep
With the increasing popularity of Pinterest, the concept of “do-it-yourself” or “DIY” projects have become enticing for many.
How Much Divorce Settlement is Enough?
What could have been one of the biggest and messiest divorce stories of the decade has come to a rather quick conclusion.
Same-Sex Couples and Divorce
Since June of 2015, most adult Americans have been able to marry the mate of their choice.
Divorce with Respect
I’ve been a trained mediator since 2012. At the beginning of this process, I quickly came to the conclusion that mediating can be difficult work. It can sometime get as heated as litigation and as someone whose heart starts pounding with anxiety if voices begin...
You’re Getting a Divorce, are You SURE You Want the House?
In an effort to retain some semblance of normalcy, it’s common to want to stay in the house that you are used to, especially if there are children involved. While it is tempting to want to lean on the something familiar like the family home, be aware that it may also be the most costly mistake you can make.
What Is A Fair Divorce Settlement?
Despite the stereotypes around vindictive nasty divorces, my experience is that the vast majority of couples truly and sincerely want what’s fair for all involved.
Here to support and empower you!
We’re dedicated to providing divorce advice, co-parenting ideas, mediation strategies, and financial expertise for before, during and after divorce.
Free Strategy Session
Only 10 sessions available each month, schedule today!
- Explore the right solutions for your divorce.
- Review your financial situation and settlement possibilities.
- Map out a plan for transitioning to the next phase of your life.
- Identify your fears and decide the best way to address them.
- Connect you with any other resources you’ll need in your process.