When your spouse betrays your trust, it can be emotionally devastating but when the infidelity has to do with money, the results can crush a lot more than your feelings.
Nancy Hetrick
Divorce: How to Protect Your Money
Divorce: How to Protect Your Money by Nancy Hetrick at Smarter Divorce Solutions provides insights on how to increase your divorce settlement.
Can I Make It On My Own?
Can I make it on my own? When pondering divorce, this question always seems to be a tough one. You know your marriage is no longer working.
5 Important Questions To Ask Your Divorce Attorney
If you must go down the path of litigation during your divorce, here are some vital things to find out up front when interviewing attorneys.
Getting Through the Holidays After Divorce or Separation
Is this it? Is this the first time since the birth of your babies that you will be forced to spend at least part of the holiday without your children because of separation or divorce?
Nancy Hetrick Honored With The “Top 100 Global Leaders in Finance” Award At GCIF Las Vegas, 2021
Nancy Hetrick Honored With The “Top 100 Global Leaders in Finance” Award At GCIF Las Vegas, 2021.
4 Common Money Mistakes in Divorce
Even if you feel like you are clear-headed, here are a few of the most common money mistakes to look out for when getting divorced.
A Fair Divorce Settlement
Each spouse’s idea of fair is different, but the vast majority of couples undergoing a divorce seem to truly and sincerely want what’s fair for all involved.
Same-Sex Couples and Divorce
What protection do same sex couples have when facing divorce, especially those who lived together before they were able to legally marry?
Here to support and empower you!
We’re dedicated to providing divorce advice, co-parenting ideas, mediation strategies, and financial expertise for before, during and after divorce.
Free Strategy Session
Only 10 sessions available each month, schedule today!
- Explore the right solutions for your divorce.
- Review your financial situation and settlement possibilities.
- Map out a plan for transitioning to the next phase of your life.
- Identify your fears and decide the best way to address them.
- Connect you with any other resources you’ll need in your process.