You Don’t Get a Do-Over in Divorce

by Sep 28, 2020

This may be the biggest reality check in divorce…

You don’t get a “do-over.”

When you come to terms with this thought, it will hopefully help you see the importance of making the best, most informed decisions you possibly can right now.

How many times in life have you longed for a do-over? In life, we don’t get a lot of do-overs, do we? That’s why it’s so critical that you don’t look back on your divorce and wish you had done something differently.

I hear from so many people who wish they had done something differently. Sure, you can always spend thousands of dollars to go back to court if you decide you don’t like the agreement, but that’s just it – you’ll spend thousands of dollars. So now is the time to make sure you are really in the best place you can possibly be to not make this huge mistake.

And here it is….

Reacting Emotionally

This is one of the BIGGEST MISTAKES that can be made in the divorce process. I know for me, I was completely overwhelmed and exhausted emotionally with this divorce process!

I didn’t know what I was doing and I felt as though I was going through this in a fog – I just wasn’t myself. I was so stuck in worrying about the future that I wasn’t able to just take small steps each day to ensure I was on track with what I had control over.

What this creates is a state of high arousal in the right side of the brain which controls the “fight, flight or freeze” response. You’ve all heard of this because it’s the basic, instinctual part of the brain that protects us from imminent danger.

But sometimes, the danger is the anxiety we’re feeling about our situation and it’s really not an imminent danger – it’s just in our thoughts. When we are living in this state of constant arousal, it’s nearly impossible to use the left side of the brain which is our reasoning/decision making part of the brain. We are dealing with the negative emotions associated with this – anger, fear, confusion, and hurt.

We are simply reacting to the events and stimulus without being able to be in the moment and process what is really important right now. And we get angry, afraid, confused and overwhelmed. But what would it be like if you could get help with the emotional part that’s paralyzing you right now? Imagine being able to see the options you might have, the possibilities you never even thought about!

How would you feel if you knew you finally had some control over this instead of just watching your life fall apart before your eyes? Well, you can and more importantly, you deserve to have this peace of mind.

So Try This Today !

Take small steps each day – just one action step that will help you feel in control of your divorce process – maybe make a to-do list and check off one small item every day. This will put you back in the left side of the brain where you can begin to think reasonably and clearly.

Remember, you won’t get a “do-over” so let’s get you thinking and not reacting emotionally. And if you would like more guidance and support with this, please call and schedule your complimentary initial consultation with us here at Smarter Divorce Solutions today!

Let’s Get Started

Let us help you have a smarter divorce, no need to waste thousands in a court battle. We will contact you to set up your Smarter Divorce Strategy Session.

In Your Strategy Session We’ll:
  • Explore your divorce options and get clear on the right solution for your situation
  • Review your financial situation and explore creative settlement possibilities
  • Map out a plan for transitioning to the next phase of your life
  • Identify your biggest fears and decide the best way to address them
  • Connect you with any other resources you’ll need in your process

Only 10 sessions available each month! Schedule today to ensure availability!


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