Why MediationPlus™ is a Great Option For Your Divorce

by Jul 13, 2020

Once you’ve decided to divorce, considering the next steps can be totally overwhelming. Well, consider an option that will take a huge amount of stress out of the process. You’re probably already familiar with mediation and you’re probably more than familiar with litigation, but have you ever heard of MediationPlus™ ? I’m sure you haven’t because it’s very new.

If you and your spouse can negotiate your settlement details in the same room, then you probably have agreed that it’s not necessary to blow your family assets in a legal system that just encourages you to fight. You may even have considered doing it yourself – but after more than 20 years of marriage, you realize that the complexities of financially extracting yourselves from each other are pretty overwhelming. So, you decide to go to a mediator. Good idea.

The Standard Mediation Process

The process begins and you both agree that some Spousal Maintenance will need to be paid. The mediator asks you how much you think is fair and for how long? “Uhhhhh, how would I know?” It occurs to you that you have absolutely no idea what your future finances will look like and how much you’ll need. The mediator’s code of ethics prohibits him/her from advising you, so you really feel at a loss! “How much do I need? Will I be able to afford the lifestyle I want? What’s the best way to structure the settlement so we don’t have any tax surprises?” Bring on the FEAR and OVERWHELM! What’s the answer?


MediationPlus™ combines the expertise of a mediator with the financial guidance of a CDFA®, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® so that you get the full picture and are better able to make informed decisions for yourself. The CDFA® helps you analyze your finances, provides you each with a 20-30yr financial plan, and makes sure you understand all the creative settlement options that might be available to you. They work as a neutral to help you and your spouse find the closest thing to a win/win situation possible. But more importantly, they take out the uncertainty! You’ll know exactly what the next phase of your life looks like when you’re done.

Once that is done, you and your mate will be much better equipped to work with the mediator to iron out the final details. Truly a kinder, gentler, more affordable divorce process. Isn’t it about time we stopped using a criminal system for a family issue? It’s time for a change. Contact us for more information on how MediationPlus™ can help you.

Let’s Get Started

Let us help you have a smarter divorce, no need to waste thousands in a court battle. We will contact you to set up your Smarter Divorce Strategy Session.

In Your Strategy Session We’ll:
  • Explore your divorce options and get clear on the right solution for your situation
  • Review your financial situation and explore creative settlement possibilities
  • Map out a plan for transitioning to the next phase of your life
  • Identify your biggest fears and decide the best way to address them
  • Connect you with any other resources you’ll need in your process

Only 10 sessions available each month! Schedule today to ensure availability!


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Smarter Divorce Solutions

Certified Divorce Financial Analysts (CDFA®) who keep the cost of divorce low, while being committed to a kinder, gentler divorce process for all involved.

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